100 Hour Yoga Foundation Course, Join The Yoga Revolution !!

April 27 - May 11, 2029

Date and Time Details: 2 Weeks

Location: Patnem Beach, Goa, India

Contact: ashtangagoa@gmail.com

  • Garden 4 - Person Share – €1,330.00
  • Garden 6- Person Share (Toilet Bathroom Outside) – €1,190.00
  • Garden Campus Single Cottage – €1,792.00
  • Garden Campus Twin Share Cottage – €1,596.00
  • Ocean Campus Single Cottage – €2,128.00
  • Ocean Campus Twin Shared Cottage – €1,862.00

2 Week Foundational Yoga Teacher Training Course

If you would like to join our 200 hour YTTC in Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga Yoga in Goa but are not able to stay the full 3-week duration, you can join our 100 hour Foundation Course. This is an intensive Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga Yoga Course that runs over 2 weeks, in conjunction with the first 2 weeks of our 200 hour YTTC.

During the 100 Hour Course, you will learn the fundamentals of Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga Yoga and how to modify the series to develop a personalised practice. This course allows for students to return for a week to complete the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC) in Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga Yoga in Goa.

Course Objectives

  •  To learn the Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series and know how to develop a personal practice.
  •   Know about the lineage of Vinyasa Flow and how it has evolved from the traditional practice of Ashtanga Yoga.
  •  Attend Technical Workshop and get deeper access into some of the key postures of Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series
  •  Develop a practice of Breath work and Meditation
  •  Discuss the modern-day concepts of the soul and consciousness

Morning Practice

Your main practice of the day will alternate between Ashtanga Yoga and Vinyasa Flow. Your Lead Teacher will guide you through the class and our Ashtanga Yoga Teaching Assistants will be there to ensure correct alignment, giving gentle adjustments as required.

Breath work and Meditation

This class will take place after the morning practice of Ashtanga Yoga. It will include an introduction to meditation, outlining the benefits to increase wellbeing. Many different techniques will be covered, using the breath as the gateway to successful meditation.

Ashtanga Yoga Anatomy and Alignment Workshop

This workshop will allow you to modify each of the postures of Ashtanga Yoga to develop your personal practice. It will provide an excellent opportunity to explore the anatomy and alignment of key postures that feature as part of populist Vinyasa Flow. This workshop will provide the fundamentals of Ashtanga Yoga.

Technical Workshops for Ashtanga Yoga

These afternoon workshops will give a technical focus to key postures and provide a fun and playful environment to explore. Workshops will include Headstand, Chaturanga, Transitions, Back bending and popular Partner Yoga.

Kranti Yoga 100 Hour

Yoga Philosophy

During these classes, you will be encouraged to discuss a range of philosophical topics. Topics will include the interpretation of the soul and consciousness, looking at their relevance to yoga, in particular to Ashtanga Yoga.

Evening Activities

There will be several evening activities for you to attend. This will include Candlelight Meditation, Bedtime Yin Yoga, Ecstatic Dance, Drama Workshops and Thai Massage.

Daily Schedule

    6.15 am         Chanting (optional)
    7.00 am          Ashtanga Yoga / Vinyasa Flow
    9:00 am           Breathwork and Meditation
    10.00 am         Breakfast
    11.00 am         Anatomy/Alignment Workshop  
    1.00 pm           Lunch
    2.45 pm          Yoga Philosophy
    4.30 pm           Technical Workshops for Ashtanga Yoga
    7.00 pm           Dinner
    8.00 pm           Evening Activity (twice per week)


This Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga Yoga Course is not suitable for beginners and we ask that students are aware of the intensity of Ashtanga Yoga in Goa. If you are a beginner and would like to complete a Yoga Course at Kranti Yoga, why not join a Yoga Intensive Week. If you already have your 200 hour YTTC then why not check out our 300 hr YTTC in Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga Yoga in Goa.


Stay with Us

We would love you to stay with us for this Vinyasa Flow and Ashtanga Yoga Course in Goa. We offer accommodation at The Yoga Village to cater for all budgets. Courses are fully inclusive with 3 nutritious meals served daily. Our resort is right on Patnem Beach.



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